Solos Pero Juntos

Solos Pero Juntos (Alone Yet Together) – Spring 2013

This mosaic depicts the land we love: the desert stretches away to juniper and pinon trees in the shadow of a distant cliff. A raven glides above the desert, its shadow slipping across the sand, while a storm cloud swells with rain. The poem in the desert was collaboratively written with Hakim Bellamy, Albuquerque Poet Laureate 2012-2014. The solitary raven symbolizes the loneliness each of us must at times embrace, as artists and as people, while the poem celebrates the thirteen years of joyful communal effort that created the Convention Center mosaics.

Lead Apprentice

Karly Catron-Cardell

Lead Artist

Cassandra Reid

Poet Laureate

Hakim Bellamy

Funded by

City of Albuquerque Public Art Program, Heart Gallery of NM Foundation