Meditation and Medicine for What Lies Ahead 2018

Meditation and Medicine for What Lies Ahead 2018

This mosaic visualizes our future in terms of growth, healing, and balance. The herbal plants to the left include Beebalm, Pedicularis, Mint, and Yerba Mansa; their traditional medicinal uses support healing and sustainability. The hexagons rising from the flowers symbolize the importance of bees and all pollinators. The hexagons continue into the mandalas, where they frame images of different pollinators – bees, ants, bats, butterflies, hummingbirds, and moths.

Mandalas are circular sacred symbols that provide and create harmony and balance. These symbols are created by many cultures to convey a vision of the universe, to aid in meditation and healing, and to guide us how to live. Our mandalas contain bands with designs found throughout nature as well as a variety of cultures and religions. The diversity in the bands, as well as between the mandalas, demonstrates our hope for diversity and balance in society. The background colors of sunset and sunrise symbolize the balance of opposites and the beauty of change. When we come together to create something meaningful, we can envision what we want for the future and actively bring it into being.

Lead Artists:
Vanessa Alvarado, Margarita Paz-Pedro, Cassandra Reid

Lead Apprentices:
Jaqueline de la Cruz, Tori Lucero