Weaving Our Destiny 2017

Weaving Our Destiny 2017
ALMA – Apprenticeships for Leaders in Mosaic Arts
Narrative Description

“Weaving Our Destiny” emerged as we looked to connect our past, present, and future. The mural begins with designs inspired by traditional Navajo weavings. We not only used the wall as our canvas but also our loom. Hands of our ancestors weave the strings that compose our present as well as our future. The strings lead down the wall, moving in time and taking us from the wise teachings of the past to a colorful and complex landscape cared for by a female healer, a curandera. The interplay between the woven pattern and the painterly landscape create a layered composition both visually and conceptually. We blended contemporary and traditional styles to create a work that honors ancestry but looks towards the future. The flowers that frame the curandera are a nod to embroidery traditions from around the world. She is a symbol of healing, one of our many hopes for the future.

Lead Artists:
Vanessa Alvarado, Staci Drangmeister, Margarita Paz-Pedro, Cassandra Reid

Lead Apprentices:
James Long, Helen Atkins, Jordan Bernicke